Quick guide to solar hot water systems
Solar energy is not only used to produce electricity but it is also used to heat water. Water heating is possible by using solar energy with the help of solar water heating systems. It does not generate electricity and heats the water present in the tank directly. There are generally two types of systems by which we can heat up water. In one of the system pump is present to mobilize the water and to operate the pump electricity is required.
A solar water system has mainly four parts. Water storage tank to store the water which is needed to be heated, solar thermal collectors which trap the heat of the sun and help to heat the water, interconnecting pipes which is used to mobilize hot and cold water and fluid systems that transfers the heat energy from the collector to the tank.
It is always preferred to use solar water systems because it is a medium by which we can get hot water without spending a single penny and it reduces our monthly bills which is used to be spent only on hot water. The main advantage of this system is during the process of heating water it does not pollute the environment unlike fossil fuels. It does not produce any greenhouse gas which can affect our environment. With this facility we no more have to depend upon fossil fuels.
Insulation values in a particular area determine the quantity of heat energy which is produced by a solar hot water system. Areas which are having more insulation value will be ideal for installation of such systems. Tropical areas are well suited to have such systems.
There are certain factors which a person should keep in mind in order to have an idea of the cost for installing solar hot water systems in a particular region. Those factors are:
1) Efficiency
2) Electricity cost in that region per kWh
3) Cost of the solar hot water system
4) Availability of state and government subsidies
5) Maintenance charges required for the system
Out of all solar hot water systems the most famous are the one which have evacuated tube system. The reason behind its popularity is that it can work and perform an operation adequately when temperature is below zero degrees Celsius and even under gray skies. Just like Spain and Israel each country should make it compulsory to install solar hot water systems in new houses as it has many benefits and its use is immense.
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