Get the facts before installing Solar Water Heater

Posted by on Jan 11, 2014 in Posts

Installing a solar heater can be a daunting task and may involve a few risks, so it is better to know all the facts before setting it up. For an average family of four, everyday water heating can account for a roughly 20 percent of the annual electricity bill. But a solar heater shouldn’t be expected to cut down your costs to zero, but a saving of 50 per cent can be considered practical.


There are a certain things that one must keep in mind such as installing low-flow shower heads with auto shut valves and taking shorter showers in order to save water. A solar power water heater can basically be categorized into “Active” and “Passive” systems. The Active system uses storage tanks, electric pumps, anti-freeze, reflecting mirrors and is more costly than the Passive one’s. An active system is most commonly used in areas where it is cold throughout the year and the temperature rarely goes above 15 degrees.
The passive system depends upon the natural tendency of hot water to move up the pipes and the warm water is collected in a tank situated above, they are suitable for most of the houses and demand less structural considerations and cost.
One needs to be an expert in this field to build an active solar system, and hence going for a passive one is a better option as most homeowners will struggle to set up collectors on the roof, plumbing and control systems required for an active system. A qualified and certified installer is important who will help to choose the optimal type and rating of the solar water heater.


Do make sure your home qualifies for the setup of a solar heater which will entitle you to get discounts, incentives and energy credits.

Another favorable choice is to go for a “batch” system, which acts like a pre-heater to the existing water heater, and is made of a simple designed “breadbox”. The breadbox consists of a metal water tank placed inside a box with a clear glass top. This allows the warmer water to enter the water heater thus increasing its efficiency. The breadbox should be painted black on all the sides and heavy insulation should be provided so that it absorbs most of the sunlight. Do remember to install water valves and plumbing so that the tank can be drained and water can be bypassed when the weather is freezing cold.

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