Why Solar Power is the Energy of the Future

Posted by on Jan 11, 2014 in Posts

With sky-high fuel prices and other conventional resources are depleting faster than imagined, scientists are researching all over for alternatives which are cheaper, renewable and sustainable sources of energy. In the recent years oil prices have increased by heaps and bounds as a result of unstable and uncertain political conditions prevailing in oil rich countries in Africa and the Middle East. Solar power is one of the most efficient, clean, popular, eco-friendly and cost effective non-conventional source of energy. This form of energy is harnessed by specially fabricated solar power panels which converts energy from the sun rays to electrical energy. As the Earth’s natural resources are sinking fast, the whole generation is now trying hard to produce alternative forms of energy and bring their usage into our mainstream so that dependency on conventional resources like coal, petroleum, natural gas can be decreased. Countries from all over the world are showing lots of eagerness and enthusiasm to develop alternative forms of energy by setting up research centers, infrastructure and supplying investment. Coming to Solar energy, it still remains largely unutilized due to ignorance and initial costs of setting up one. Solar power setups are mostly used in industrial setups, hospitals, institutions and are rarely seen in households. When a domestic solar plant is setup for a home, it is interconnected with the commercial power grid so that whenever the solar system produces excess power, it goes back to the power grid and the power company and the government gives discounts and business power credits. Solar system also prevents frequent electrical blackouts by reducing the load on traditional power grids. Solar systems have immense benefits in the long run as it cuts costs for electricity and also saves money. In areas such as villages, mountain sides and other inaccessible terrain where traditional electricity supply is difficult to reach, solar power is a boon. It can supply villages with enough power for their daily uses and can be the most promising source of energy for them. Solar power in the future is stated to increase tremendously and is here to stay and make lives happy. It is anticipated that in the next decade solar energy is going to replace our dependency on oil and conventional electricity. It provides people with a way to reduce their carbon footprints and is a perfect solution to sustainable growth for the...

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Using solar water systems in your home

Posted by on Jan 11, 2014 in Posts

As we all know one has to incur lots of expenses everyday to get hot water in daily life but a person can overcome the expenses by installing solar water heating systems. This is the reason why these systems have become popular in the recent years. However the process of heating water by using solar energy is in existence since ancient times. Earlier they used to keep water in bowls and keep it under the sun to get hot water. Later in 1800 solar water heater was available properly. In today’s scenario solar water heating systems are placed on a roof top facing toward the sun. There are many solar panels present in the market which converts the energy from the sun to electricity which is used to heat up water. The amount of heating of water and the amount of energy to be converted is dependent upon the location and size of the solar panels. One of the most common and the simplest design of a solar power system contains water tubes which are attached with or kept above the black painted copper plate. The sunlight which falls on the system is trapped and the tubes absorb the heat. Water flowing in the tubes gets heated. As soon as water is heated it will be transferred to storage tank and it will be used whenever necessary. There are two types of solar water heating systems: Active Solar Water Heating System and Passive Solar Water Heating System Active Solar Water Heating Systems It is one of the most popular methods to heat water. In this system there is a pump whose job is to collect water from a supply and transfer it to the solar collector. It is generally used at homes and for heating swimming pools as well where there is cold climate.  Passive Solar Water Heating Systems In this system the water tank is situated inside the solar collector box. The water which is present in the tank is flowed into the solar collectors where it gets heated up and then it is supplied to different corners of the home. So if you want to save money which you spend on hot water you can easily switch on to any of the above following water heating systems. It will help you to reduce your monthly expenses and you will get hot water without affecting or depleting any other resources which is...

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About Solar water heater

Posted by on Jan 11, 2014 in Posts

About Solar water heater

There are mainly two major types of solar water heater. One is an active solar water heater and the second is a passive solar water heater. The difference lies in the types of heating systems. These both types have two main subtypes. In case of active solar water heater, water is heated by using direct and indirect circulation systems whereas in passive water heating systems water is heated by integral collector storage and thermo siphon system. Direct Circulation Systems In Direct circulation systems it uses pumps to mobilize the water from the house to the collectors and returning back to the house. Such type of systems usually are used in places where water freezing normally does not happen.    Indirect Circulation Systems In indirect circulation system it pumps water to mobilize the heat present in the fluid which prevents from boiling in hot areas and freezing in cold climates with the help of solar collectors and a heat exchanger. Heat exchanger shifts the energy which is present in the solar collectors to the fluid or air which helps in making the water hot. Usually such type of system is a little more costly but it works really well in extreme weather conditions.   Integral Collector-Storage (ICS) Systems Integral collector-storage systems fall under the category of passive systems and are well suited for the conditions where the weather is below freezing point for maximum time. In this system a tank is painted black in color and insulated from one part. The area which is not insulated is painted with plastic or glass. It is very simple and economical. Its durability is immense but some disadvantages are present like the water heat level is not as that of other heaters and the heaviness of the tank also is one drawback.   Thermo siphon Systems In thermo siphon system there is a control panel which is painted with a dark and heat-absorbent substance. As the heat is absorbed by the panel and water becomes hot the warm water rises up and hence cold water is displaced down so that it gets hot. This system has the water tank situated in rooftop and these are very decent and very cheap solar water systems for moderate climate...

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Get the facts before installing Solar Water Heater

Posted by on Jan 11, 2014 in Posts

Installing a solar heater can be a daunting task and may involve a few risks, so it is better to know all the facts before setting it up. For an average family of four, everyday water heating can account for a roughly 20 percent of the annual electricity bill. But a solar heater shouldn’t be expected to cut down your costs to zero, but a saving of 50 per cent can be considered practical.   There are a certain things that one must keep in mind such as installing low-flow shower heads with auto shut valves and taking shorter showers in order to save water. A solar power water heater can basically be categorized into “Active” and “Passive” systems. The Active system uses storage tanks, electric pumps, anti-freeze, reflecting mirrors and is more costly than the Passive one’s. An active system is most commonly used in areas where it is cold throughout the year and the temperature rarely goes above 15 degrees. The passive system depends upon the natural tendency of hot water to move up the pipes and the warm water is collected in a tank situated above, they are suitable for most of the houses and demand less structural considerations and cost. One needs to be an expert in this field to build an active solar system, and hence going for a passive one is a better option as most homeowners will struggle to set up collectors on the roof, plumbing and control systems required for an active system. A qualified and certified installer is important who will help to choose the optimal type and rating of the solar water heater.   Do make sure your home qualifies for the setup of a solar heater which will entitle you to get discounts, incentives and energy credits. Another favorable choice is to go for a “batch” system, which acts like a pre-heater to the existing water heater, and is made of a simple designed “breadbox”. The breadbox consists of a metal water tank placed inside a box with a clear glass top. This allows the warmer water to enter the water heater thus increasing its efficiency. The breadbox should be painted black on all the sides and heavy insulation should be provided so that it absorbs most of the sunlight. Do remember to install water valves and plumbing so that the tank can be drained and water can be bypassed when the weather is freezing...

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Passive solar gives many affordable options

Posted by on Jan 11, 2014 in Posts

As we all know that solar energy is the most efficient and effective way to use natural resource to heat water and many other applications. It does not pollute the environment while performing any sort of work and hence is certified as a clean energy choice. We can come across many other various means of clean energy resources available with financial incentives as well as tax benefits but in this article we will tell you why a person should use passive solar energy method and how it is a better option in clean energy. We can enjoy the facility of hot water without spending any sort of money and we do not have to pay any bill as well to get hot water as soon as a person installs a passive solar system. The heat which is coming from the sun can be used to make your water hot and by this you can even save your current bills. There are many applications where we can use solar energy. A person can use it to heat up swimming pool water during cold weather and even helps to regulate the aquatic life where it helps to maintain a decent temperature throughout the year. Even if your home is planned in an ordered way keeping in mind that solar energy can be used then you can take full advantage of solar power. To build such a house is less difficult and is costly but in the long run it will give you profit as you do not have to rely on the non-renewable resources which are present. Solar energy is also used to produce electricity which is a boon for mankind. A person can save almost every penny that was supposed to give on electric bills as the electricity will be from a renewable source known as the sun which is available to everyone free of cost. Solar energy is beneficial to us as we can get free cost of electricity, hot water and much more by utilizing it in a proper way. Only one time investment is required and there is hardly any maintenance cost in it. And the best part of using solar energy is that we can use all its facilities without any sort of damage done in the environment and keeping our climate clean. So it would be a wise option to choose solar...

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Solar energy Facts

Posted by on Jan 11, 2014 in Posts

Solar energy is the renewable energy that we get from the sun. The heat that the sun gives us is a form of energy which is called as solar energy. It is also called as solar power and it is a free and non-polluting energy resource. But we cannot use solar energy directly. There is need to be converted so that we can use solar energy. It can be converted into other types of energy directly or indirectly.   Solar energy is very friendly to the environment and does not create any type of waste or pollute the atmosphere. That is the reason that it is ecologically acceptable as well. The technologies which are present in solar energy are utilizing the energy which is radiated from sun for performing some practical tasks in day to day life. Solar energy can be converted into electricity with the help of various solar thermal technologies and photovoltaic technologies. With the help of such technologies we can facilitate the solar energy in many applications which we perform in everyday life like heating water, electricity, transport (solar cars), and biomass as well as for evaporation. There are so many advantages of solar energy but there are some disadvantages as well. In many places the heat from the sun is not adequate to use it as a source of energy. It has more problems like large investment cost, huge oscillation of radiation intensity as well as small thickness of energetic flow Solar energy has not made its place in the global energy market but it has huge potential to become the most important energy source as it helps is reducing the unit cost. The maintenance cost of this kind of energy is very less. Once it is installed then it has no more expenditure on it. It is one of the most important and very reliable energy resources. Measures should be taken so that it can benefit the world by giving us the electricity needs. Since solar energy is ecologically acceptable the budget of solar energy should be more as on the global scale. Number of researches and projects should be done on solar energy as it has a great potential to do so. Solar energy is going to be used gradually in the upcoming years. Statistically by 2025, 2.5 per cent of world’s electrical power will be generated by using solar energy. The amount of energy that non-renewable resources are providing can be easily fulfilled with just 20 days of solar energy. So solar energy has a very good potential and can be used as an important resource in future. As per the researches which are going on it is believed that in the future using of solar energy will prove to be handier as it will help in giving more effective result in very less cost. Solar energy also helps in maintaining the...

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