About Solar water heater

There are mainly two major types of solar water heater. One is an active solar water heater and the second is a passive solar water heater. The difference lies in the types of heating systems. These both types have two main subtypes. In case of active solar water heater, water is heated by using direct and indirect circulation systems whereas in passive water heating systems water is heated by integral collector storage and thermo siphon system.
Direct Circulation Systems
In Direct circulation systems it uses pumps to mobilize the water from the house to the collectors and returning back to the house. Such type of systems usually are used in places where water freezing normally does not happen.
Indirect Circulation Systems
In indirect circulation system it pumps water to mobilize the heat present in the fluid which prevents from boiling in hot areas and freezing in cold climates with the help of solar collectors and a heat exchanger. Heat exchanger shifts the energy which is present in the solar collectors to the fluid or air which helps in making the water hot. Usually such type of system is a little more costly but it works really well in extreme weather conditions.
Integral Collector-Storage (ICS) Systems
Integral collector-storage systems fall under the category of passive systems and are well suited for the conditions where the weather is below freezing point for maximum time. In this system a tank is painted black in color and insulated from one part. The area which is not insulated is painted with plastic or glass. It is very simple and economical. Its durability is immense but some disadvantages are present like the water heat level is not as that of other heaters and the heaviness of the tank also is one drawback.
Thermo siphon Systems
In thermo siphon system there is a control panel which is painted with a dark and heat-absorbent substance. As the heat is absorbed by the panel and water becomes hot the warm water rises up and hence cold water is displaced down so that it gets hot. This system has the water tank situated in rooftop and these are very decent and very cheap solar water systems for moderate climate conditions.
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